Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Winter Soldiers

The Congressional Progressive Caucus will hear testimony tomorrow from nine members of Iraq Veterans Against the War as part of "Winter Soldier" hearings examining the ongoing problems with the U.S. war in Iraq.

According to the veterans group, "Winter Soldier on the Hill will allow the US Congress to be more fully informed about the situation in Iraq through soldiers’ eyewitness accounts of the on-going military occupation, while they debate (more than likely for the last time during the Bush-Cheney administration) the funding for U.S. military operations in Iraq."

The hearings start at 6 a.m. PST. CSPAN3 will broadcast the hearing live. If you don't get CSPAN3, you can watch it on the CSPAN website. Or you can listen on Pacifica Radio 90.7 FM, KPFK.

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