Friday, May 9, 2008

The Pastor Double Standard

Finally, someone from the mainstream media is calling McCain out for his ties to a preacher far more offensive than Rev. Wright.

Thanks to Keith Olbermann for speaking out.


LA Citybeat, the real alternative newsweekly here in Los Angeles, this week profiles U.S. Rep. Laura Richardson (D- Long Beach), who may be the only member of the Southern California congressional delegation who really gives a shit about fighting traffic and building mass transit.

Richardson was elected to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Juanita Millender-McDonald. I supported her primary opponent, state Sen. Jenny Oropeza, but it seems we have a real winner in Richardson, who has a genuine concern for transportation issues and a perch on a key congressional committee.

The Q&A is here. She talks about connecting mass transit to LAX (finally!), and building the Subway to the Sea.

Most of the Los Angeles congressional delegation does nothing about our traffic problem and our chronic lack of mass transit. Sure, some will give a lip service here and there. But no one in at least a decade has done any heavy lifting. The Westside's great liberal icon, Henry Waxman, has even made a point of standing in the way of the Wilshire subway. Of course, Waxman, like most of the local delegation, is in LA so rarely he probably needs google maps to find his Los Angeles office.