Monday, March 24, 2008

Clinton Leads Obama (in Cameron's Ass)

LA lawyer/blogger Cameron Fredman explains that Clinton really is beating Obama -- if you look at the stats he pulled out his ass. They're no less random or rancid than the turds dropped by Penn and Wolfson.


After a day of non-stop coverage of Clinton=McCarthy and Richardson=Judas, I am officially sick and tired of the Democratic primary.

As bloodsports go, I'll take the UFC over the political slugfests. Professional mixed martial artists are classier, smarter, and have much better moves than any of the presidential candidates.

And they talk less shit.

It's About Time

I really wish I were not so relentlessly anti-Hillary. I used to like her. But in this campaign, she has consistently brought out in the worst in me. Just watching her makes me feel venal and nasty. (Obama has the opposite impact on me.)

Thus, I take sheer delight in moments like this, where she is exposed as the deceitful person she is:

Clinton's Math Says Puerto Rico is Meaningless

Figuring out which mathematical matrix the Clintons are using to justify stealing the Democratic Party's presidential nomination is probably similar to playing 3-d chess blind-folded.

At one point, it was all about pledged delegates. And then it was about the popular vote. And then it was about which states were "important" and which were not.

The latest from the Clinton camp feels that the super-delegates should consider which candidate to back based on the electoral votes of the states they carry in primaries in caucuses.

So, will someone please ask Howard Wolfson: does that mean Puerto Rico, has has no votes in the electoral college, doesn't count?