Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mighty Cool

Thanks to LA metblogs for linking to the coolest pic I have seen in a while. This shot is taken by local photographer Dave Malkoff, who took this pic on a 300-foot construction crane at the corner of Hollywood & Vine.

Malkoff's flickr photo stream is here.

A Happy Birthday

LA's Homeless Blog this week linked to a story in the San Jose Mercury News about a unique guy who decided to celebrate his 29th birthday by throwing a party -- for others.

According to the paper, Taj Chahal "decided to do something a bit different: He hosted a surprise party for 300 total strangers - complete with birthday cake and party favors for everyone - at Martha's Kitchen, a San Jose charity that serves meals to the homeless and working poor."

The article is here.

The Hottest Man Kiss on Network TV

This past week, ABC's Grey's Anatomy - whose executives did such a ham-handed job dealing with one cast members homophobic slurs against another last season - presented a sad and powerful story of a patient dealing with a brain tumor and the cruelty of the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

The entire episode can be watched online, or you can check out a youtube clip of what is - to my mind - indisputably the hottest man-on-man kiss ever shown on network television.

FYI - the two very cute soldiers soldiers played by Benny Ciaramello (Friday Night Lights' Santiago) and MTV Road Rules grad David Giuntoli.