Friday, April 11, 2008

Walking the Walk

This coming week, April 15-17, the diverse face of organized labor in Los Angeles will take to the streets of Los Angeles as part of a "The March from Hollywood to the Docks."

Actors, janitors, longshore workers, and many other workers along with members of the community will march 28 miles from Hollywood to the docks of San Pedro. For three days straight, these workers and community supporters will walk and camp overnight along the route.

These individuals will symbolize over 350,000 workers who, this year, will be fighting to stay in the middle class or move themselves out of poverty. The march will conclude on April 17th with a massive rally at the Port of Los Angeles at 6:00 pm.

All along the route marchers will be talking the talk by walking the walk, talking to all of L.A. about the fight for middle class jobs, the battle to organize workers and the importance of voting in order to win the 2008 Fight for Good Jobs.

Here is Tommy Munoz, one of the many walkers:

Here is a calendar for the three-day march.

The event is being sponsored by the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.

Damn, He's Good