Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Breaking: Marcus Allen Withdraws

Breaking News from LA City Hall: we've just been told by City Hall sources that Marcus Allen has withdrawn his name as the mayor's nominee for the city's top fiscal post.

In March, Villaraigosa nominated Allen, his former deputy chief of staff, to succeed Karen Sisson as Chief Administrative Officer. Widely respected in many circles for his work in the city for more than a decade -- including work for Villaraigosa, City Controller Laura Chick, and the office of the Chief Legislative Analyst -- Allen's nomination still ran into trouble.

The CAO is responsible for the city's multi-billion dollar budget, labor relations, and debt management. It is considered the highest non-elected position in city government.

Allen's nomination was vigorously opposed by the Los Angeles Daily News, which warned of a revolving door between government and lobbying. (He went to work for a lobbying firm when he left Villaraigosa's office.) He was also opposed by a few councilmembers often opposed to Villaraigosa, including Councilwoman Jan Perry.

Word at City Hall is Allen withdrew his name over money. Sisson makes about $220,000. Allen demanded $290,000. Those who opposed Allen used the salary issue as political cover to scuttle the nomination.

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