Wednesday, May 14, 2008

On Pins and Needles

Tomorrow at 10 a.m., the California Supreme Court is scheduled to announce its ruling on the issue of gay marriage here in the Golden State.

Will California follow in the footsteps of Massachusetts and become the second state to legalize same sex marriage? According to this post at Towleroad, many observers think so.

Regardless of what the court decides, the City and Lambda Legal–among others–will be staging an event in West Hollywood at the corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and San Vicente at 7:00 PM.

On his blog, Andrew Sullivan waxes typically eloquent on the import of the moment:

"Those in favor of civil equality better get ready. The gay civil rights movement will never have waged a battle this big, this expensive or this important. We can win at the ballot box as well as in the courts and legislatures. And the good news is that the Republican governor has said he will oppose any initiative to take marriage rights away, if they are granted. Hold on tight."

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