Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Renters, Revolt!

The website www.angryrenter.com gives appropriately angry voice to the plight of those of us who rent, and can't fathom why elected officials keep chipping away at renters' rights while rushing to bail out homeowners who gambled on risky loans.

Renters make up 32% of the national population and a whopping 60% of the people who live here in Los Angeles. But we have a disproportionately small voice in government, especially here in Los Angeles, where elected officials tend to take their marching orders from either developers or homeowners.

I'll have more on the plight of LA renters -- and the statewide assault on rent control -- in future posts, but right now I want to draw attention to Angry Renter, which has collected 46,000 signatures urging Congress to stop the bailout of homeowners and house flippers.

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