Thursday, April 17, 2008

Venice's Criminal Element

Every now and then, Venice Beach is cursed with an overzealous cop who thinks it is his duty to root out the special spirit of the eclectic and tolerant beach community. Someone who equates individuality with deviancy, someone who equates freedom with anarchy, someone who feels it is duty to save us from ourselves and remove the dirtbags from out midst.

One such character is Mark Arnesen, who served as the sergeant overseeing the LAPD's Venice beach detail in the late 1990s. Known derisively as "the Cowboy," Arnesen tried to impose his will on disorderly Venice, treating denizens with disdain, and famously overreacting one day to a crowd at a concert, ordering in helicopters and a riot squad.

So what ever happened to Sgt. Law and Order? He is currently a criminal defendant in the celebrated Pellicano case, accused of racketeeringand running hundreds of unauthorized background checks for Pellicano.

Arnesen had a particularly tough day on the stand this week.

I don't take any delight in Arnesen's downfall, but having seen him at work here in Venice, it is hard not to believe in Karma.

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