Sunday, March 30, 2008

Del Rey Steps Up

NIMBYism is a brutal force in Los Angeles, particularly on the Westside. The "not in my backyard" crowd routinely stands in the way of all sorts of positive things such as affordable housing, homeless services, and sober living homes.

So it is gratifying to see most people in the Los Angeles community of Del Rey stand up and loudly shout "Yes!" in their backyards. Led by the Del Rey Neighborhood Council, local residents are welcoming news that New Directions, an esteemed veterans service agency has purchased a home that will provide transitional housing and services for veterans of the war in Iraq.

The local Argonaut newspaper has some details.

What the Argonaut did not get into is that some of the immediate neighbors were making noises of protest, warning that mentally deranged veterans would be a hazard to their quiet family neighborhood. That selfishness attitude really gives a face and voice to the banality of evil.

I thought the war in Iraq was a bad idea. I think Bushg has mismanaged it horribly. I would like to see our brave men and women in uniform brought home quickly and safely. And when they get here, I want them greeted warmly, with gratitude and every single service and amenity they have risked their lives to earn.

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